Eposide 4-MarTech Solutions & Processes
February 22nd, 2019
by Josh Janowiak
MarTech Solutions & Processes
With “Baby boomers” continuing to exit the workforce at a rapid rate, relationships between buyers and sellers are changing more rapidly than ever. Learn how to design winning processes and use technologies to help your business cultivate new relationships and secure existing relationships in the digital age.
Key Topics
- CRM (Business Automation)
- Social Media
- Marketing Automation
Dan McGraw of DPT Solutions
Dan McGraw is the CEO and Senior Business Strategist from DPT Solutions, a local business process strategy and automation company in Grand Rapids, MI. Dan has spent the last 20 years connecting people, process, and technology to drive business performance. He is a technology innovator and leader that is passionate about leveraging technology to help improve business outcomes through digital transformation and industry disruption. Outside of business, he is an avid cyclist and cycling coach, and enjoys competing in mountain biking, road racing, and the occasional triathlon.
Dan McGraw
CEO/Senior Business Strategist
DPT Solutions
Podcast Show Notes
Dan’s Tech Talk presentation slides are posted in their entirety and do a great job of walking you through analyzing your current processes, designing new processes, and using technologies to help your business cultivate new relationships and secure existing relationships.
Here are few slides to give you a taste of what’s included in the presentation and discussed in the podcast:
Links & Resources
Marketing-related books discussed in the podcast include:
The Entrepreneurial Myth
1: The myth that most people who start small businesses are entrepreneurs. 2: The fatal assumption that an individual who understands the technical work of a business can successfully run a business that does that technical work.
The Willpower Instinct
The Willpower Instinct explains the new science of self-control and how it can be harnessed to improve your health, happiness, and success.
ROI from CRM
Learn how to approach CRM as a system for sharing and leveraging data throughout your business and to gain a competitive edge in the market with a revamped sales process and engaged team.