Marketers in Motion Podcast Episode 1
January 24th, 2019
The New Marketers In Motion Podcast is Here!
- The Marketers In Motion Podcast is powered by the West Michigan Chapter of the American Marketing Association. Marketing is our passion, and as a Chapter we hope to inspire dialogue, fuel creativity, and create a community for marketers everywhere.
- Marketers In Motion Podcast Host
- Josh Janowiak https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshjanowiak
- Director of Communications at Sandy Pines Recreational Community
- https://www.sandypines.com/
- Guests and future AMA Co-Hosts & podcast committee members
- Meahgan Pear https://www.linkedin.com/in/meahganpear/
- AMA President
- National Senior Marketer at BDO USA
- https://www.bdo.com/
- Rebecca Dutcher https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccadutcher/
- AMA President-Elect
- President and Founder of Red 66 Marketing
- https://www.red66marketing.com/
- Marci Palmer https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcie-palmer-0648876/
- AMA VP of Membership
- Owner and Consultant at Champion Resources
- https://www.championresources.biz/
- Meahgan Pear https://www.linkedin.com/in/meahganpear/
What is the American Marketing Association?
- AMA National https://www.ama.org
- In 1953, Neil Borden transformed the business world when he articulated the strategy of “Marketing Mix” in his AMA presidential address. Borden was just one of many AMA leaders who were not satisfied with existing best practices. These thought leaders sought answers for the future that would propel business growth and elevate the role of marketing. Today, the AMA leads an unparalleled discussion on marketing excellence. Continuing in the tradition of Borden and so many others, the AMA offers differentiated content that focuses on the tension between Best Versus Next Practices™.
- AMA West Michigan https://amawestmichigan.org/
- Founded in 1952, AMA West Michigan has provided marketers with the resources, information and knowledge to grow in their careers and shape successful businesses.We’re an organization made up of members that strive to inspire dialogue, inclusion, passion, and creativity. It’s our duty to set an example.
How the Marketers In Motion Podcast Came to Be
- The idea of launching a podcast was the “Epic Goal” that hatched out of the 2018-19 annual strategy session. Our team is thrilled to have reached this goal so early in the new year.
- The goal for the podcast is to inform listeners about the national and worldwide marketing concepts that are discussed on a local level at our West Michigan Chapter Events. After each monthly Marketing Luncheon, our team will host that month’s presenter for a podcast that will recap the event presentation and take a deeper dive into specific topics.
- The podcast episodes will capture informal, topical, and fun conversations surrounding important marketing concepts. Our experienced AMA West Michigan board members and volunteers will frequently be featured as co-hosts and will contribute their industry knowledge surrounding each topic.
Answers In Action Podcast
- The National AMA has a Podcast! Tune in to AMA’s Answers in Action podcast featuring in-depth interviews with marketing thought leaders on today’s most relevant industry topics. https://www.ama.org/multimedia/Podcasts/Pages/default.aspx
Upcoming Podcasts
Social Media: The Death of Engagement
The social media landscape today bears little resemblance to the one many marketers are still operating in. Organic reach is dead, but in its place, we have the best tools for targeting and attribution ever devised (and growing smarter every day). Free yourself from worrying about “frequency” and “best times to post,” and learn where you should be spending your energy. To extract the full measure of benefit from social media today, legacy “owned” channels like one’s website and email marketing have renewed importance as valuable data points to feed the self-optimizing machines of PPC advertising. In this podcast with Derek DeVries, we discuss:
- Understanding how the business application (B2B and B2C) of social media has changed in the last five years
- Identifying trends on the horizon and how to prepare for them
- Discussing what makes for meaningful KPIs
- Learning how social media makes every other part of your marketing strategy more important
Derek DeVries https://www.linkedin.com/in/derekdevries
Cause Marketing: Boxed Water is better
Boxed Water is a present-day David vs Goliath story of a small sustainable water company taking on the $60 billion plastic bottled water industry.
- How do you build a brand on a small budget when you’re up against multi-billion dollar competitors?
- How do you reach consumers with a complex message?
Boxed Water has been able to build a brand by becoming a conduit between consumers and their growing desire to help the planet…elevating its proposition to be more than a water brand. It has empowered fans to plant over 790,000 trees in our national forests and on the path to cleaning up 3,000 miles of beaches.
In this podcast we’ll talk about how companies need to build partnerships in order to differentiate themselves in today’s business environment- and why it’s more important than ever to listen to consumers (and not necessarily the trade). We’ll discuss the challenges and learnings that Boxed Water has faced in its first decade and how to you can apply them to your organization.
Key takeaways from this podcast will include….
- Cause Marketing is Marketing, not a subcategory
- Today’s marketers need to approach branding with authentic values
- How to leverage partnerships to build brands and differentiate themselves
- The pitfalls you may find along the way
Marketing Tech Talk: How to Integrate Marketing Technology into Your Organization
Did you know there are over 5000 marketing technologies available to take your marketing and its operations to the next level?
To be a successful marketer today, you must understand and leverage a wide variety of innovative marketing technologies to conduct marketing activities and create memorable customer experiences.
During this podcast, we’ll discuss some of the most innovative technologies available to marketers today while sharing experiences on effectively integrating these technologies into our marketing strategy and operations.
With “Baby boomers” continuing to exit the workforce at a rapid rate, relationships between buyers and sellers are changing more rapidly than ever. Learn how to design winning processes and use technologies to help your business cultivate new relationships and secure existing relationships in the digital age. Key technologies for discussion: CRM, Social Media, Marketing Automation.
Marketing & Sales: Why Marketing Comes First
The silos between sales and marketing are legendary. If you’ve ever worked for an organization where the two departments live together in peace and harmony; consider your company a unicorn! It’s more common to hear how marketing folks think sales is comprised of a bunch of lazy divas and how sales folks think marketing is a bunch of creatives who make branded coffee cups and T-shirts (and don’t generate any real value). The evolution of marketing- the digital transformation of marketing – makes it possible to qualify and quantify marketing’s value and enforce the rules by which sales’ engages with potential customers. But only if you put the right processes and systems in place.
Jennifer Jurgens of 1 Bold Step will be sharing insights on how the emerging field of marketing operations and the transition to “self-educating buyers” has changed the sales and marketing dynamic to one of the interwoven dependencies, with marketing coming first. From inbound strategies to a demand generation waterfall, to the necessary elements in a service level agreement between sales and marketing, attendees will leave with some helpful tools to start breaking down silos and creating a path to marketing and sales nirvana.
About the Speaker: Jennifer Jurgens, President & Owner of 1 Bold Step
Jen is a catalyst that loves to make everything she touches somehow better, faster, and more efficient. And while her career choices may seem unrelated, the thread that ties them together is that she brought order, process, growth and scale to every organization she’s worked with. From creating some of the first hosted e-commerce solutions at Pandesic (an IntelSAP venture), to working with The HON Company, Konica Minolta, Safety-Kleen, Adtegrity, USXchange, Mindpepper, and others to bring process and marketing ROI, to serving as executive director for Susan G. Komen Michigan, and most recently, scaling growth as the president of SalesPad, Jen brings clarity to the complex and builds trust-based teams that keep companies moving forward.
In her current role at 1 Bold Step, she is helping companies and organizations organize, optimize, and grow. You can learn more about Jen and connect with her via Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferjurgens/
The American Marketing Association
Benefits of Membership
The American Marketing Association is the largest professional marketing association in the world, with members who work, teach and study in the field. By becoming a member, you gain access to a vast body of marketing knowledge, high-quality training programs, the latest tools and tactics, exposure to leading-edge thinking, and opportunities to interact with marketing peers around the world.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Becoming a sponsor of the AMA is a savvy move that is packed full of benefits. Sponsors are able to present their brand in front of a captive audience from a variety of companies large and small. Plus, you’ll have a team of expert-level marketers pushing your brand out in effective and creative ways. Our team of talented social media experts, amazing designers, email marketing rockstars, and marketing masterminds can work with you to craft a unique message and choose the channel that reaches your desired target audience! Our different levels of sponsorship allows you to choose the best investment for you, while our team strives to provide an outstanding ROI. We couldn’t do what we do without your support. Therefore, we strive to provide outstanding sponsor benefits to help you get closer to reaching your goals.
Three Questions with our Hosts
Who or what inspires you?
- Mom
- Oprah
- Trying new things and achieving success
- Wife
What is your favorite personal development, business or marketing related book?
- Anything by Seth Godin https://www.sethgodin.com
- On Writing: Stephen King https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Writing:_A_Memoir_of_the_Craft
- The Company of One: Paul Jarvis https://pjrvs.com/company-of-one/
- You Are a Badass: Jen Sincharo https://jensincero.com
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad: Robert Kiyosaki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Dad_Poor_Dad
If you could boil what you’ve learned in your career down one piece of advice for others, what would it be?
- Trust Your Gut & Be Dependable.
- Find a process that works for you and be willing to take risks
- Don’t be afraid to put things out to the Universe and see where they lead
- Relationships matter, network, network, network
- Trust in others and build your team out of complimenting skill sets. Teamwork makes the dream work!