A Letter from Your 2021-22 Chapter President
September 21st, 2021
AMA West Michigan Members and Friends,
Hello, my name is Trevor Wood. I am a Junior .ca. Previous to this role, I was the Merchandise Manager and Amazon Coordinator at Gazelle Sports for over 13 years. I’m excited to be jumping into the 2021-22 season as your President! This brings me to my first area of focus, filling our open board positions! So if you or someone you know is interested in helping an incredible group of people, send me a message at president@amawestmichigan.org – you can view other board opportunities here. If there isn’t a specific role open, but you’re still interested in volunteering, we’d always love some extra help and depth on our board, plus it’s a great way to meet new people and create some networking opportunities you otherwise may not have had.
What a roller coaster the last handful of years has been! I appreciate that given the challenging circumstances that surround us, we are continuing to press forward and come up with new and innovative ways to keep businesses and people moving towards their goals. If you work in the retail space like I did, you know that the overall supply chain has been grossly impacted in ways that have changed the timing and marketing for our products to our end consumers, not to mention the massive growth in the e-commerce space! In addition, the changes that restaurants, hospitality, manufacturing, and so many others are facing around staffing and fulfillment are creating new dynamics in the market.
Here’s the really interesting part – all of this change creates huge opportunities to rethink business-as-usual. As we continue into the rest of 2021 and the possibility of smaller shut downs, reintroductions of masks, or even the potential of employers/businesses requiring vaccination status, integral parts of the marketing ecosystem will be impacted. We need to be nimble on our feet and swift to take action in order to stay not only relevant but also focused on the safety of our employees as well as our customers. After all, we are all humans and all deserve the right to live happy, healthy lives.
A Year of Action
Speaking of taking action, our 2021-2022 theme is “A Year of Action!” What will you be doing in your business to show perseverance and maximize your opportunities at this moment? How will you be buffering your business against the systemic shocks and market changes that are underway?
With that being said, your AMA West Michigan board has been working hard to provide a year full of content and speakers that will help you and your business succeed and thrive in a time of uncertainty. While most places are opening back up, we are keen on everyone’s safety. We will be offering hybrid experiences that will allow you to access our key content, whether you are attending an in-person event, or participating remotely.
On behalf of the board, I hope to see you at our upcoming events (virtually or in person!)
Thank you and we look forward to the 2021-2022 AMA West Michigan season!
Trevor Wood
Chapter President 2021-22 Season
AMA West Michigan