A Letter from Your 2019-2020 President – Rebecca Dutcher

September 17th, 2019


AMA West Michigan Members & Friends,

It’s back to school time here in West Michigan, which means we’re getting ready to kick off our new season! After an incredible past season, we are thrilled to announce our 2019-20 season to you. If you’re connected to us on Facebook and other social channels, you know we’ve been busy this summer. We’ve been adding incredible podcasts sharing important information for marketers, including Customer Experience, Pace Layering, and our most recent episode on Data Privacy & Legal on the Marketers in Motion podcast, which you can listen to any time.

What’s Next >
This year, we’re bringing you “What’s Next” – this theme means we’re focused on providing leading information with emerging insights and practices when it comes to marketing tools, channels and technologies. The feedback gathered from our survey earlier this spring helped inform many of our topics for this year. You’ll find a list of those topics below (which may be subject to change based on speaker availability, of course).

2019-20 Signature Luncheon Dates & Topics
These events are the 2nd Tuesday of each month, except November. And all events will be held at the GVSU Seidman Center. Here’s a look at the dates and topics. Mark your calendars now. Registration is open now for September and will be soon for all of our other events.

September 10 – SEO Smackdown 3.0, a Panel Discussion
October 8 – Privacy/ Email List Building
November 5 – Content Marketing
December 10 – Ecommerce Marketing & User Experience
January 14 -Non-profit marketing
February 11 Multi-Media Marketing – Podcast, Video, Webinar, Panel
March 10 – HR/ Recruitment Marketing
April 14 – Social Media Marketing
May 12 – Marketing Analytics, Measure What Matters

Look at what else is in store for 2020

  • Marketing Week. After 4 full events last fall, marketing week is back September 30 – October 4. Each night a local marketing agency or partner will provide specific insights in their craft – social media, digital media, photography and more.
  • We’re also planning a Marketing Conference for the Spring of 2020. Look for more details this fall as we finalize date, location, keynote speakers and hands-on breakout sessions.
  • Marketing Tech Talks. These quarterly sessions are specifically for members to bring you the latest in marketing technologies and methodologies. Everything from CRM tools to marketing automation and more. You’ll hear about these in our Marketer’s Minute – our member-only email newsletter.

Thank you Sponsors.
We say this at all our luncheons, but it’s true…we cannot do what we do without our sponsors. We are grateful for your support of not only our Chapter, but the marketing profession as a whole. Thank you to our 2019-20 season sponsors. If you’d like to learn more about sponsorship opportunities and ways you can reach West Michigan’s Marketing Community, reach out to us today!

View all sponsorship opportunities & benefits here.

I am thrilled to be working with an incredible board who make all of our events, communications and more possible. Here’s to a great year along side Meaghan, Jessica, Marcie, Ben, Kristen, Kaitlin, Ellyse, Ed, Josh C., Josh J., Kelly, Javier, Emma, Adam and Amy…thank you!

On behalf of the board, we are excited to bring you another incredible season with great programming and networking opportunities, and have been hard at work planning for the upcoming year! If you have any feedback, questions or information you’d like to share with our board, please feel free to contact me directly at rdutcher@amawestmichigan.org or do so via our website.

We look forward to a great year!

Rebecca Dutcher
Chapter President 2019-20 Season
AMA West Michigan


We are looking for speakers for the luncheons, spring marketing conference, and marketing tech talks. We are also looking for companies or agencies to host a meetup for marketing week. If interested, inquire here.


Interested? Reply to this email or contact us here.