Marketing That Moves: AMAWM’s Mission for 2017 – 2018
September 7th, 2017
Welcome back to another great year with the American Marketing Association of West Michigan. Over the summer, the AMAWM board got together, reflected on the previous year, and got to planning. Based on some surveys, general feedback, and conversations from members, it was clear what changes needed to be made and what our audience really wanted.
This year, we have made it our mission to engage our audience in luncheons, workshops, networking events, and other resources that provide the education and take-aways they need to get their professional marketing efforts moving in the right direction. We want you to take what you learned and be able to apply it to real life marketing challenges. With that, AMAWM is proud to announce this year’s theme as “Marketing that Moves.”
The Biggest Changes This Year Will Bring
During our August Networking event, Marketing Against Humanity, we made a few important announcements. Here’s what you missed.
Grand Rapid’s Venue for the Year
This year, the AMAWM luncheons and workshops will be held at The Goei Center. We will be continuing our catering relationship with YoChef’s.
”Deep Dive” Follow-up Workshops
To complement our luncheons, AMAWM will follow up certain topics with a workshop. Luncheons tend to provide big picture strategies. Now it’s time to get our hands dirty and teach you the technical. That way you can return to work and implement the strategies you took home with you earlier.
Call for Sponsors
If there’s any group you want to get your business in front of, it’s marketers. Our audience could be seeking your exact business, whether it be for outsourcing marketing, finding event venues, seeking media relationships, photographers, artists, etc. Take a look at the benefits of sponsoring AMAWM and pick a sponsorship tier that works for you.
Call for Volunteers
We need your help. Our committees need some volunteers to take on roles that are significant to the success of AMAWM. No coffee-runners here. Instead, you get real opportunities to grow your skills and become part of a great team.
If any of the committees listed below interest you, email .
Communications Committee
Help us do what we do. Marketing. The communications committee has two specific needs to be fulfilled, but more help will not be turned down.
Blog Manager
We need someone to create and facilitate a blogging calendar. The blog manager will establish blog topics that fit programming agendas, industry topics, and more. They may have to write blog themselves, but may also choose to arrange guest writers. They will also edit content, optimize meta information, and publish to the website. The blog manager may also assist with the event descriptions and email copy.
Social Media Manager
The AMAWM team is found on four social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram. Split the management responsibilities of these platforms with another committee member. In addition to posting, management of these platforms also include social ads and replying to direct messages.
Membership Committee
Membership committee responsibilities include being a brand ambassador that encourages membership, calls or emails the AMAWM audience to renew or purchase their membership, help create content or collateral that will entice non-members to join, and more.
Sponsorship Committee
Help us keep AMAWM going through sponsorships and relationships. If you know a lot of people around West Michigan and are good at talking, you’re hired.
Cheers to Another Year
Our luncheons begin September 26th. The first one is The X Factor with Conner Hammersmith, Digital Marketing Manager at Steven’s Advertising. Conner will share the top 10 tools and techniques that’ll give your organization a real digital impact.
Don’t forget to renew or purchase your membership for this exciting year. We’re looking forward to it.